Dr. Jane Nyutu (PhD)
Mind and Beyond Counselling Centre
Counselling is a helping profession between a trained counsellor and a client (counselee). Counselling aims at empowering the client to attain his or her full potential and maintain daily normal functioning to live a more satisfying life Corey (2011). Counselling takes place when a counsellor sees a client in a private and confidential setting to explore a difficulty the client is having, distress that they may be experiencing, or perhaps their dissatisfaction with life, or loss of a sense of direction or purpose Satton & Stewart (2002).
Counselling helps to increase the client’s self -awareness and offers insights for growth as they learn how to cope more effectively with life’s challenges.
Who is a Counselor?
A professional who empowers and facilitates a client’s personal growth process and problem solving.
Qualities of a professional counsellor Corey (2011).
Good listener, empathic, flexible
Warmth, observant, open to experience among others
What Happens in a counselling session?
A client’s consent (permission) to participate in the session is sought from him/her during the initial stage. What the client discloses is kept confidential.
What Counselling is and is not:
Counselling is not advice giving where people give opinions, make judgement, or make a reconnection but it allows the client to gain full control and it is collaborative in nature. Counselling is not Guidance where there is only a one -way exchange of information, it is not persuasive but self -directive where the client is allowed to make his or her own decisions. Counselling is not exercising influence over the client or ma form a form of manipulating the client but it is allowing the client to be autonomous or independent in making decision. The counsellor allows the client to take full responsibility. The client has potential to solve his or her issues with the counsellor being the facilitator. Counselling is a two -way collaborative exchange between the counselor and client.
Common Issues in counselling, relationships, Family issues, Stress and burnout issues
Workplace counselling, Loss and grief (death of loved ones) Identity crisis, career guidance
Life skills, Time management, Study skills and examination taking techniques
Behavior change, addiction counselling, managing peer pressure, anger management
Contact: Mind and Beyond counselling center
Mobile: 0705270521
Email: [email protected]
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Best regards, Nancy