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Have you ever done something just to reward yourself?
Is there something you have always wanted to do for you – not because you are required to, nor for everyone else’s benefit, but just to satisfy your own desire? People often fail to make appointment with self as they easily get sucked up into seeking everyone’s else’s good. However, making selfcare a priority is not a selfish thing to do; so cut out the guilt since there is no way you will take care of everyone else if you fail to take care of you. Self-care is purposefully engaging in strategies that promote healthy functioning and enhance well-being.
Burnout in life results from failing to take good care of self and suddenly, our pot cracks and starts to ruin our emotional and physical health. The cracks steal our happiness, our peace and gnaw at our potential. This is why it is important to be deliberate about looking after oneself. Today let us look at some of the little treats that go so far in meeting our needs. They are so simple in sound, yet so difficult to practice. Little treats that have a major impact on our work, relationships, homelife and wellbeing. Little treats that help us to face our world with gusto and courage.
These little life treats not only boost our self-esteem, but they also make us feel better both emotionally and psychologically.
- Quit putting yourself down with negative self-talk because your inner critic will only leave you doubtful and disheartened. There is a warrior within you who really thrives on positive encouraging self-talk.
- It is a digital era, thus declutter. Unfollow all the accounts that do not add value to you and you are aware they are stealing your time. Turn off notifications and keep your digital interactions real. Have some tech free time and tech free zone especially at the dining table.
- Forgive yourself because you are far from perfect as Allan Jackson reminds us in his song- ‘am a work in progress.’ (Jackson, 2002)
- Reward yourself, show yourself some love, and set some time to invest in yourself every day, doing the things you enjoy.
- Quit comparing yourself with others, instead focus on your strengths and not the weaknesses.
- Acknowledge your own self-worth because you are not an afterthought, treasure yourself.
- Go ahead and enroll in a new short-term course on a subject that fascinates you, learn a new skill- like playing an instrument, a new sport, plant a tree/s, or a potted herb.
- The five senses little treats:
- Touch– Hugs speak compassion, exercise your body.
- Sight – Read books, enjoy nature, watch a movie, smile, see what the wind does, look up at the sky, it is very fascinating when you give it attention.
- Smell– Clean linen, The flowers, the coffee, soaps, and perfumes, throw in some scented oils in your bath or the room humidifier.
- Sound– The soothing music, the laughter around you, the noise, and nature sounds, talk with someone.
- Taste– Eat well, good food is medicinal. Indulge in the fruits, vegetables, and fiber rich foods, drink lots of water, stay away from too much sugar and processed foods.
The negative effects on our mental health can be devastating and significantly impact on our ability to carry out daily tasks, our relationships, and general outlook in life. Therefore, care for yourself enough to do something about improving the quality of your life. It starts with one little step to do things differently and soon you realize that you really do not have to sink beneath the anguish facing you. You can also get the professional support you need from Mind and Beyond Counseling Centre.
- https://www.amazon.com/Work-In-Progress/dp/B00136NNR2.
- https://societyforpsychotherapy.org/distress-therapist
- Countless ways to relax mind, body, and spirit by SJG Publishing (2019).
The Author, Lilian Kasanga is a published author, editor, and writer who wants to see people- families and future generations, impacted by profound truths and life transforming realities. Email: [email protected]